About SamN Modding

Hi! Well as you may have guessed, my name is Sam! I am a mod maker for Farming Simulator. Making mods for a farming game seemed like an interesting thing to do, and it is something I enjoy.
When I left school and went to college, a few of the people that I met played a game called SimTractor. It looked alright, so I played it too! After a few months, STV4 was released, and in this version, mods could be created. I had recently downloaded sketchup at the time just to play about, but thought I would try to make a tractor and see how hard putting it in game was. So this was my first attempt.
JD Model
As, you can see it was pretty bad, and wasn't suitable for any game. After a while of messing about and practice, I had my first model made which was good enough to release, a Case Puma 180.
Case Model
At this stage I was known as 231607, it meant something to me, but was a bit random to others, so changed it to SamN when I released other mods.
Next, I felt a 7530 was needed, so worked on one of these, in gaming took a while though!
Made a few more mods, look here for pics. SimTractor Pictures
As time went on, Farming Simulator came into existence, and updates to ST were slow, so everyone's interests went to LS where the graphics were better. Even though there was minimal competition for making ST mods, it sort of began to feel pointless, so I too moved to LS, and got to grips with making mods there. I felt my mods were appreciated more with the larger audience, and more praise and feedback.
Some of the later ST mods were at a good enough standard to go into LS, including the ford 7810 and the TM140. SamN Mods
I reworked the 7530 a lot, and it was at V3 by LS09.
My mods have continued to be popular, and I still enjoy making them and receiving feedback.
Message to anyone that has downloaded sketchup, and reckons they want to make a mod:   The first picture here of the JD 10series, was done on the 1st July 2008, so it takes a lot of time and practice to get to the standard of todays mods!
Thanks to everyone that has downloaded my mods in the past, and hopefully there will be a few more yet!

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